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八年级上第九单元Unit 9 When was he born?教学案例反思

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Unit 9 When was he born?









Teaching Steps


    Hello, boys and girls!

    How are you today?

    Do you enjoy listening to music?


1.    Play a piece of music for students to enjoy.

T: Can you tell me what musical instrument it is?

Ss: Piano.

T: Who can play the piano in our class?

Ss: (Someone may answer “I can”.)

T: When did you begin to learn to play the piano?

Ss: When I was …… years old/ At the age of ……

T: Since you began to learn to play the piano at the very young age, do you want to be a pianist?

T: Do you know the meaning of “pianist”?

Ss: A person who can play the piano very well.

2.    Show Ss some pictures of famous pianists and let them talk about

T: Do you know some great pianists in the world?

Ss: Beethoven/ Chopin/ List…

T: Here I’ve got some pictures of pianists. Can you recognize them?

NAME: Ludwig Van Beethoven

Date of Birth: Dec.16, 1770

Nationality: Germany

1776: begins to play the piano at the stage

NAME: Frederic Chopin

Date of Birth: Feb.22, 1810

Nationality: Polish

1816: starts to learn the piano

Reading Practice

1.    Read the article in the book, answer the questions and fill in the chart

T: Just now, we talked a lot about some very great pianists. But they’re all foreigners. I’ll show you a great Chinese pianist who is called “little Chopin”. Can you guess who he is?

Ss: Li Yundi.

T: That’s right. Although he is very young, he is really the pride of China. Do you know why? Let’s read the article at page 57 quickly and find the answer. Let’s see who can find the answer first.

2.    Answer the questions

T: I have more questions for you. How long is the history of the competition?

Was there anyone else in China who won the prize?

3.    Li Yundi got great success. It’s sure that he’s got some special experience. Now read the passage again carefully and fill in the chart.

Ask one student to come to the front to type in the answers and then correct the answers.

Speaking Practice

1.    Retell the experience of Li Yundi

2.    Talk about your own experience

T: Li Yundi is a successful person. And actually, you’re also the successful persons, because it’s not easy for you to come to our school, the best middle school in Zhengzhou, to study. That’s to say, everyone of you must have a special experience, too.

  Would you like to talk to your desk mate about your experience and share with each other?

  Ask Ss to tell their desk mate’s experience to the class.

Listening Practice

T: Since you are lucky enough to study at the best middle school, maybe several years later, you’ll be a really famous people, so that a lot of people will admire you.

Everyone has got a person that really admire, and so do I. So can you guess which I admire?

  Ask Ss to listen to the a monologue, and guess who is the person that I admire.

Play a Guessing Game

   Work in groups, choose a person that they all admire in a group. Later ask Ss in other groups to guess who he/she is with several questions.

T: Just now, I talked about my admired person, so what’s yours? Let’s play a guessing game.


1. What is the main factor to be a famous or successful person?

T: After talking about a lot of famous people you admire and here I have got more.

    Think about a question: What is the main factor to be a famous or successful person?

2. Debate:

Which is more important to be successful, opportunity or hard work?



Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.


Opportunity favors those prepared mind.




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