福建福州八中2017年元月高三调研考试试卷(英语) 全国通用为http://www.68lou.com整理发布,类型为高考英语,本站还有更多关于高考英语试卷,高考英语题,高考英语试题,高考 - 高考英语的资料。
第一节1.What is the man?A.A waiter.B.A clerk.C.An airhostess.2.How many hours does the woman work every week?A.40. B.47.C.50.3.What is the probably relationship between the speakers?A.Sister and brother.B.Mother and son.C.Teacher and pupil.4.What would the woman like to drink?A.Coffee. B.Milk.C.Tea.5.What does the woman plan t do tomorrow?A.Sleeping late.B.Do some washing upC.Cooking breakfast herself.
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