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[11-09]   来源:http://www.68lou.com  高一英语听说读写   阅读:374



  Magic of Smile(微笑的魅力)

  Smiling is the most desirable human behavior. We tend to overlook the power of smiling, 1__ can work out many wonders and miracles.

  In my spare time in the States, I loved to take a walk around the small community where I lived. 2__ I met on the way, they always gave me a friendly greeting accompanied (伴随) with a nice smile as soon as our eyes had 3__. Spontaneously(本能的, 自动的), I smiled back. This kind of smiling exchange represented the most 4__ part of my jogging experience in the States.

  When it comes to doing business, my 5__ is “I love to see my customers smile”. If a customer smiles when he sees you, it means he feels comfortable 6__ with you. More importantly, it means he makes money. If he can make money, I get the business rolling.

  On a personal note, my daughter's giggle is just like 7__, which warms my inside the same way 8_ the sun warms my body. It can 9__ away any clouds and unpleasant feelings. 10__ I see her photo, her giggle 11__ around my ears. The little reserved and controlled smile of my wife, 12__, reflects the beauty of a matured and well-learnt woman. It is so 13__ in my eyes. It can sometimes really turn me on.

  Julia Robert's 14__ is nothing but roaring like earthquake or volcano. It can overtake men and women alike. Americans may 15__ in many other ways, but they all agree that Julia is America's sweetheart. Nobody can 16__ her laughter plays a very good part in her acting. Once I tried some candy in a store, the owner asked me how sweet the candy is, I said sweeter than Julia Robert. Both of us 17__ into a kind of Julia's laughter.

  Yes, laughter is something we can not do without. Otherwise, our life would be too gloomy.

  Smiling does not belong to human alone. Once I stayed at an American home 18__ he had a little doggy by the name of Mini. Mini is a lovely pet. Every time, we came home, she jumped up and down and insisted 19__ giving me some lipping. When I held her gently and asked her to give me a little smile, she just 20__ her mouth and half closed her eyes, looking like every inch of smiling. That left a deep impression on me.

  What I love Los Angles most is not only it is the place where it has sunshine most days in a year but also where most people smile!

  1. A. whose B. which C. that D. whether

  2. A. What B. Whom C. Who D. Whoever

  3. A. contacted B. touched C. changed D. connected

  4. A. enjoyable B. painful C. honest D. angry

  5. A. method B. hobby C. motto D. belief

  6. A. dealing B. dealt C. deal D. to dealing

  7. A. fresh air B. weather C. sunlight D. moon

  8. A. through B. like C. as D. as if

  9. A. put B. give C. get D. clear

  10. A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Wherever D. However

  11. A. appears B. cries C. adds D. echoes

  12. A. however B. further C. then D. but

  13. A. little B. profound C. much D. beautiful

  14. A. cry B. laughter C. sound D. acting



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