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[11-09]   来源:http://www.68lou.com  高三英语阅读理解   阅读:828



  Passage 11


  It's only 4 hours flying time from Sydney, but a world away. What better place to rest than a country where the only place people hurry is on the football field and things are done in "Fiji time"?

  Viti Lev-Great Fiji-is the largest island. Here you'll find the capital Suva and the international airport at Nadi Vatoa, on the other hand, is a tiny island in the farthest part of Hiji. Then there are 331 other islands, many of them with places to stay.

  With less than a million people living on islands, you'll never feel crowded And with a climate(气候)that changes only for five degrees between seasons, there’s never a bad time to come.

  From cities to villages, from mountains to beaches, from water sports to wooden artworks, Fiji can give you more adventures and special experiences than you could find almost any where in the world.

  Whenever you come , wherever you go ,you’re sure to see some unforgettable events , From war dances to religious (宗教的) songs. From market days to religious days. It's not just staged for tourists; it's still a part of everyday life in Fiji And any one of us can enjoy Fiji's spirit by being part of the traditional (传统的) sharing of yaqona—a drink made from the root of a Fiji plant

  So why not join us for the experience of a lifetime?

  57. Where is the international airport of Fiji?

  A. In Suva B. In Sydney

  C. On the island of Vatoa D. On the island of Viti Levu

  58. What does the text tell us about Fijian people?

  A. They invented “Fiji time” for visitors

  B. They stick to a traditional way of lift

  C. They like to travel from place to place

  D. They love taking adventures abroad

  59. One of the things that make Fiji a tourist attraction is

  A. its comfortable hotels

  B. its good weather all year round

  C. its exciting football matches

  D. its religious beliefs

  60. Where can we most probably read this text?

  A. In a personal diary B. In a science report

  C. In a travel magazine D. In a geography textbook

  答案 57.D 58.B 59.B 60.C

  Passage 11


  An increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to (归因于)the global economic crisis awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works.

  Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January, according to UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. A. spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were also up.

  Professor john Beath, the president of the society and a leading lecture at St Andrews University, said his first-year lectures-which are open to students from all departments—were drawing crowds of 400, rather than the usual 250.

  “There are a large number of students who are not economics majors, who would like to learn something about it. One of the things I have done this year is to relate my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasn’t traditionally done. ” He added.

  University applications rose 7% last year. But there were rises above average in several subjects. Nursing saw a 15% jump, with people’s renewed interest in caters in the pubic sector(部门), which are seen as more secure in economic crisis.

  A. recent study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters, and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on, although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain.

  Zack Hocking, the head of Child Trust Funds, said: “It’s possible that one good thing to arise from the downturn will be a generation that’s financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty.”

  71. Professor John Beath’s lectures are .

  A. given in a traditional way B. connected with the present situation

  C. open to both students and their parents D. warmly received by economics

  72. Incomes in the public sector are more attractive because of their .

  A. greater stability B. higher pay C. fewer applications D. better reputation

  73. in the opinion of most parents .

  A. eccentrics should be the focus of school teaching

  B. more students should be admitted to universities

  C. the teaching of financial matters should be strengthened.


  D. children should solve financial problems themselves

  74. According to Hocking, the global economic crisis might make the youngsters .

  A. wiser in money management

  B. have access to better equipment

  C. confide about their future careers

  D. get jobs in Child Trust Funds

  75. What’s the main idea of the text?

  A. Universities have received more applications.

  B. Economics is attracting an increasing numbers students

  C. college students benefit a lot from economic uncertainty

  D. parents are concerned with children’s subject selection.

  答案 71.B 72.A 73.C 74.A 75.B

  Passage 13


  “Old wives tales” are beliefs passed down from one generation to another, For example, most of us remember our patents’ telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain things. Is there any truth in these teachings? Some of them agree with present medical thinking, but others have not passed the test of time

  Did your mother ever tell you to eat your carrots because they are good for your eyes? Scientists now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called macular degeneration Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility of getting this disease by 40%. Garlic(蒜)is good for you, too。It can kill the type of virus that causes colds.

  Unfortunately, not all of Mom’s advice passed the test of medical studies. For example, generations of children have been told not to go swimming within an hour after eating. But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so. Do sweets cause tooth problems? Well, yes and no. sticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more problems than sweets made with simple sugars.

  Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don’t hold water, there is still a lot of truth in the old wives’ tales, After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated (积累) from thousands of our traditional beliefs don’t hold water should respect this body of knowledge even as research for clear scientific support to proven it true or false

  48. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

  A, Eating garlic is good for our eyes

  B, Sticky sweets are damaging to our teeth

  C, Swimming after a meal is dangerous。

  D, Carrots prevent people from catching colds

  49.The author develops the third paragraph mainly--------。

  A. by cause and effects B. by order in space

  C. by order in time D. by examples

  50.The phrase “hold water” in the last paragraph most probably means“ ”

  A. to be believable B. to be valuable C. to be admirable D. to be smtable

  51 What is the author’s attitude toward “old wives’ tales” in the text?

  A. So objective B. Objective C. Dissatisfied D. Curious

  答案 48.B 49.D 50.A 51.B

  Passage 14


  Successful people in international business understand the cultures of other countries and learn to change their practices in different cultures. They understand the importance of avoiding business decisions based on misconceptions—mistaken ideas.

  One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism, the belief that one’s own culture’s way of doing things is better than the way of other cultures. It’s ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business. To avoid ethnocentrism, it’s necessary to study the different elements(组成部分)of culture: language, values and attitudes, and customs and manners.


  A. knowledge of the local language can help international business people in four ways. First, people can communicate directly. Second, people are usually more open in their communication with someone who speaks their language. Third, an understanding of the language allows people to infer meanings that are not said directly. Finally, knowing the language helps people to understand the culture better.

  Values are people’s basic beliefs about the difference between right and wrong, good and bad . An attitude is a way of thinking or acting. Values and attitudes influence international business. For example, many people in the United States believe that chocolate from Switzerland is better than chocolate from other countries, and they buy a lot of it.

  Customs and manners

  Customs are common social practices. Manners are ways of acting that the society believes are polite. For example, in the United States, it is the custom to have salad (色拉) before the main course at dinner, not after. It’s not acceptable to talk with food in mouth at table. Failure to understand the customs and manners of other countries will bring difficulty selling their products. Orange juice as a breakfast drink of an American company in France doesn’t sell well because the French don’t usually drink juice with breakfast.

  57. A. knowledge of the local language allows international business people _________.

  A. to be more open with their customers

  B. to communicate without outside help

  C. to express their thoughts indirectly

  D. to have a better idea of their own culture

  58. The act of many people buying chocolate of Switzerland shows the role of ________.

  A. manners B. values C. attitudes D. customs


  59. What would be the best title for the text?

  A. Misconceptions in Business B. Basic Beliefs in Business

  C. International Business Culture D. Successful International Business

  60. The author’s purpose of writing this article is to tell people ___________

  A. how to take a right attitude in business

  B. how to avoid misunderstandings in business

  C. how to use a local language in business

  D. how to act politely and properly in business

  答案 57.B 58.C 59.C 60.B

  Passage 15


  Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes,fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper,when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read the life story of a famous man,when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know?

  Television has not killed reading, however. Today,newspapers sell in very large numbers. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment.Although some books with hard covers are expensive,many books are printed today as paperbacks(平装本),which are quite cheap. A paperback collection of short stories,for example,is always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or the theater,and you can keep a book for ever and read it many times.

  Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home.Every home should have a good dictionary.A good encyclopedia(百科全书),though expensive,is useful,too,because you can find information on any subject.Besides,you can have such books as history books,science textbooks,cookbooks,and collections of stories and poems.Then from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets.

  68. It can be inferred from the passage that___.

  A.TV programs are a chief provider of knowledge

  B.cinemas are the best choice in getting information

  C.reading is a cheap way of learning and having fun

  D.newspapers are an expensive way to enjoy oneself

  69.What does the sentence“Television has not killed reading,however.”underlined

  in the second paragraph suggest?

  A.People only need reading,though.

  B.Reading is still necessary today.

  C.Reading is more fun than television.

  D.Watching television doesn’t help reading.

  70.Which of the following is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

  A.Types of books. B.Kinds of dictionaries.

  C.Lists of history books. D.Collections of stories and poems.

  71.What can we learn from the passage?

  A.Fewer and fewer people will buy books.

  B.A good dictionary should be kept in every home.

  C.Books with hard covers sell better than paperbacks.

  D.More people like TV programs about famous men.

  答案 68.C 69.B 70.A 71.B


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