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英语儿歌——The farmer in the dell

[11-09]   来源:http://www.68lou.com  四年级英语辅导   阅读:712

英语儿歌——The farmer in the dell,本站还有更多关于四年级英语辅导,四年级英语辅导大全的文章。

  The farmer in the dell

  The farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell.

  Hi-ho, the derry-o, the farmer in the dell.

  The farmer takes a wife(etc), the wife takes the child (etc)

  The child takes the nurse(etc), the nurse takes the dog(etc).

  The dog takes the cat(etc), the cat takes the rat(etc).

  The rat takes the cheese(etc), the chest stands alone(etc).

  11.One, Two, Buckle my shoe

  One, two, buckle my shoe, three, four, open the door.

  Five, six, pick up sticks, seven, eight, lay them straight.

  Nine, ten, begin again.

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