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一年级下册1B PRACTICE 7(三)

[11-09]   来源:http://www.68lou.com  一年级英语课内同步单元测试   阅读:702

一年级下册1B PRACTICE 7(三),本站还有更多关于一年级英语课内同步单元测试,一年级英语课内同步单元测试大全的文章。


  (F) Comprehension (5*2=10)

  Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

  Yesterday was Children’s Day. Meiqing was very excited. She knew that her teacher, Miss Lee, would give them presents. She did not bring any books to school. There was no lesson. Her mother baked a mango cake for her class. Every child had to bring some food for the Children‘s Day party. After the feast, Miss Lee played a few games with the children. Before the party ended, each child was given a present. Meiqing got a drawing book. She was happy because she liked to draw

  49. Why was Meiqing excited on Children’s Day?_____________________________________________________________________

  50. Why did Meiqing bring a mango cake to school?


  51. Who baked the mango cake?


  52. What did the children do after eating the food?


  53. Why was Meiqing happy to get a drawing book as a present?


  (G) Written Expression (20 marks)

  Look at the picture and write a story about it. Use the helping

  words given below.


  did not study







  studied hard

  Mathematics test

  principal‘s office



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