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[11-09]   来源:http://www.68lou.com  初三英语练习题   阅读:136




  一: 1.fresh 2.sights 3.fix 4.shake 5.ancient 6.produced 7.exhausted 8.endangered 9.drugstores 10.proud 11.leaves 12.twelfth 13.energetic 14.itself 15.liveliest 16.easily 17.married 18.reporter 19.strongly 20.pleasure

  二: 1~5BDACB 6~10CDABA 11~15DCBDC 16~20CDBAC

  三: 1.was invented by accident 2.dressed up ,gave up ,gave out 3.give you a ride 4.after all 5.in your spare/free time 6.in search of 7.was pulled down 8.looking forward to

  四: 1.Where would 2.Do,need 3.are used 4.she liked 5.hadn’t finished 6.was there 7.too,to 8.Had,begun

  五: 1~5EGBFC

  六:`1~5BDACA 6~10CDBAB

  七: 1~5BCBAB

  6.Inventions/The most important inventions 7.The printing 8.Glasses 9.in big cities 10.not enough food 11.The history of computers. 12.The abacus 13.In 1946. 14.Five kinds of work. 15.I think it will make our life better.

  八: 1.pet 2.why 3.with 4.them 5.idea 6.feeding 7.suitable 8.once 9.too 10.eat

  九: 1.to get 2.was snowing 3.saw 4.must /may /might be 5.will take 6.running 7.was hurt 8.have heard /can hear 9.Cover 10.are telling www.68lou.com


  一: 1.afford 2.forks 3.provide 4.pleasure 5.teenagers 6.terrified 7.flage 8.proud 9.rubbish 10.strongly 11.Unfortunately 12.convincing 13.embarrassed 14.homeless 15.scientific 16.shiny 17.villagers 18.first 19.playful ,aggressive 20.exhausted

  二: 1~5 DADCB 6~10ABBAD 11~15DCABC 16~20BACDB

  三: 1.has been /has got used to 2.broke down 3.In order not to offend 4.dropped by 5.keep out 6.confusing or misleading 7.hang out 8.would rather take

  四: 1.How many ,had, learned 2.Do you know if there is a hotel near here ? 3.are being taken good care of 4.made a decision 5.What are ,to do 6.has she 7.agree to 8.take pride in

  五: 1~5DCAGE

  六: 1~5DACBA 6~10CDBCA

  七: 1~5BDBCD 6~10CBCDD

  八: 1.care 2.with 3.deal 4.proper 5.who 6.so 7.succeed 8.Finally 9.instead 10.refuse

  九: 1.was asked 2.was trying 3 .am considering 4.punishing 5.haven’t /have never seen 6.to play 7.can /will 8.make 9.failed 10.can discover

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