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[11-09]   来源:http://www.68lou.com  初三作文   阅读:585


     导读:一年一度的元旦佳节即将来临,小编精心为大家整理了元旦英语祝福语,供大家参考,祝大家:happy new year.

    ·greetings on new year's day! may it bring you pleasure, health, luck and all the best.

    ·may the new year brings much happineto you and be happier than any year before. be happy, healthy and successful!

    ·raise a glaof celebration, now the new year has begun. hope all your dreams, plans and wishes will come true.

    ·the song of the angels, the joy of that night, may it shine round your side, and make your paths bright. happy new year!

    ·please accept my sincere wishes for the new year. i hope you continue to enjoy health and happiness.

    ·best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year!

    ·wishing you all the joy of the season and a new year of health, happineand good fortun(e.

    ·may warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings arrive on new year's day and stay with you the whole year through.

    ·may life bring its best and finest to you, may all your days be happy and bright with good cheer throughout the year!

    ·have a merry christmas and a new year that's filled with happiness!

    ·may the beautiful white snowflakes dancing in the sky carry my best wishes to you for a happy and prosperous new year.

    ·may your holiday season be a joyous one and may each day of the new year bring succeand happiness!

    ·wishing you peace, joy and happinethrough christmas and the coming year.

    ·may christmas and the new year be filled with happinefor you.

    On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater succeand your family happiness.


    Please accept my season's greetings.


    Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.


    Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.


    Rich blessing for health and abundant happiness(福多)in my wish for you in the coming year!

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